Untitled Database

<aside> 💡 Overview

How to Use

Input Parameters





How to Use

To interact with the Doodles contract, users can perform the following operations:

  1. If the user is on the allow list, they can mint a specified number of tokens by calling the mintAllowList function and sending the required amount of Ether.
  2. During the public sale, users can mint a limited number of tokens by calling the mint function and sending the required amount of Ether.
  3. Users can view the number of tokens available for them to mint by calling the numAvailableToMint function.
  4. Token owners can approve another address to manage their tokens by calling the approve function.
  5. Token owners can transfer their tokens to another address by calling the transferFrom or safeTransferFrom functions.
  6. Users can query various information about the contract and tokens, such as the total supply, token URI, and owner of a specific token.

The contract owner has additional capabilities, including:

  1. Activating or deactivating the allow list by calling the setIsAllowListActive function.
  2. Adding or updating addresses on the allow list by calling the setAllowList function.
  3. Reserving a specified number of tokens by calling the reserve function.
  4. Updating the base URI for token metadata by calling the setBaseURI function.
  5. Setting the provenance of the NFT collection by calling the setProvenance function.
  6. Starting or stopping the public sale by calling the setSaleState function.
  7. Withdrawing the Ether balance of the contract by calling the withdraw function.

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<aside> 💁‍♀️ This document was generated by DeCipher from the Doodle smart contract source code.
